Sunday, June 27, 2021

The flu

It's been about 13 years since I last had the flu. I was in NY.  I went to the doctor because I had an UTI and found out I had the flu. 

Liam had the flu and we all had tamiflu but I caught the flu. I week later I went to the doctor because I thought I was getting an UTI, but it was a bladder infection.

It is 9 days later. I stopped my cough pills and the mucinex I was taking with it. I just felt it was not working and I felt awful, so was just taking my bladder pills. I still feel crappy, and I think its the pills but I won't stop taking them. I don't want the infection to come back.

So, another thing about getting older. It takes you A LOT longer to get better if you are sick or if you pull a muscle etc.  That is hard to get used to. 

Although I am feeling much better, I am tired and use up my energy pretty fast.  I can only do a little work round the house and I am done. I need to rest and a nap is always around the corner. Very frustrating. 

The first time I had the flu I caught if from my daughter in the late 70s or early 80s. 
I didn't think a person could feel so sick! 

Anyway, I am getting better...just not fast enough for me. 

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