Sunday, June 27, 2021

Emptier nest

So, the granddaughter, the only granddaughter, had the nerve to up and marry and move out.  Her older brother moved out, but that was for college and then he got an apt.  near the school with his girlfriend. He kinda snuck into his new life style. 

The first day she was gone, I was pretty upset.  I would glance out across the street to find an empty spot where her car would be.  Not hearing her bedroom door open and close.  sigh

But I am fine today.  I don't like change, so I need a period of time to adjust to it, thankgoodness I usually don't need a lot of time.
I am excited for her and she is excited to be on her new adventure with the person she loves. 

We have Liam home and I hope he does not want to flee the nest for sometime.  I can't have too many changes close together.  :)  

I don't have newer pictures of them on my laptop, yet.  

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