Sunday, June 27, 2021


My first Pandemic. 

I am old enough to have experienced a lot in my life.

  • The Cold war.
  • VietNam war
  • Assassinated President
  • I have lived through all kinds of killer flu's.
  • Killer bees
  • The Great Northeast Black Out
  • Many End of the world predictions
  • Cancer causing food (not cranberry sauce!)
  • HIV.
  • Hurricane Katrina
  • Oil spill

Now the Covid-19.

It is scary, schools closed, restictions on just about everything else. 
Toilet paper is hard to find, some foods. People are panic buying. 

My first scare, although being young at the time I did not realize how scared I should have been, was Polio.

Polio infected kids in the early 1900's. In the summer kids would get sick and some  had to go into the hospital. A neighbor 3 houses down, had polio in her leg. She wore a brace and the polio leg was skinny. She had to buy 2 pairs of shoes because her good leg/foot was a size 6 but the polio foot was a 4. 
My father in law had polio in his arm. He said he spent a year in the hospital. 

Some kids had to live in an iron lung. How terrible to live your whole life in that.

So in the 1950s there was another bad outbreak of polio.  I was lucky, a vaccine came out. Dr.Salk discovered it and became a hero.

I remember  we had to line up in the hall at school and put a sugar cube in our mouth that had medicine on it. We had to stand there in front of the nurse when we did it and show her our opened mouth, that it was all gone.

That was...1957-59...or both. I think we had to have it done a few times.

With this New virus, at least children are not the main subject of attack. It's the old people with chest problems that need to be careful.  
So we need to stay calm and carry on with common sense and in a few months it should be mostly gone. *fingers crossed*          

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