Sunday, June 27, 2021

I hate moving

 There is soo much work involved in moving.  We moved from the Bronx to College point in Queens in 1957 and that is the last move my parents made.  I lived in that town most of my life and moved  in 2000 to Gulfport Ms.   

I moved numerous times while married and living in town.  All my moves were only blocks away from the last so it was not like Agnes had to change school and make new friends etc. 

Our first Apt. was on 18 ave. I did a post about it already.

After that we moved on 127th street, a tenant to Charlie Gratz and right next door to my in laws. It was another 3 room apartment but bigger.  The bathroom was awful! The house was old and the bathroom was an add on with NO INSULATION.  Me and Bill would fight all the time on who was going to take a shower first and warm up the  room a little for the next person. lol

After a couple of years we moved across the street into Mrs. Valaski's  upstairs apt. This had 4 rooms. We were there about 5 years.  Mrs. Valaski wanted the apartment for her son who was getting married.

We moved around the corner into a downstairs apartment. The  Irish owners were fixing the house up and then putting it on the Market to sell. Years ago an owner could do that, but now  you have to tell the renter so they will know they'll probably have to move again and move again we did a year later to across the street into Mr.Bystroms first floor Apt. 

That was my favorite Apartment. 6 rooms, we made friends with the people upstairs, we were already friends with everyone on the block. We stayed there a number of years.

Our next move was to 9th ave. to the worst apt. I had. `

From there Agnes moved and I left to move back home. 

Then Ag moved home and from there we all moved to the Rice's first floor apt. on  26th Ave.  Then Ag took the basement apt. 

From there she moved to Connecticut  and then Gulfport - and I moved to  28th ave. (?) 

From there I went Gulfport, then New York, then to Long Beach and a second move to Long Beach. 

That is my  moving history. 

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