Sunday, June 27, 2021

A wild year 2020

It has been a wild year to say the least.  This has been a weird year and I am pretty sure '21 is going to be just as weird and crazy.  Starting with a new President who does not belong in that house. People who hate Trump are going to wish he was back in office. Mark my words.

Family and friends who caught the virus recovered, thankgoodness. All except my friend Amy. I heard the virus is mutating, just in time for the New Year.  They have a Vaccine now. You have to take it twice,  21 days after the first shot.   

If you don't want the vaccine that's fine. But,  your job can tell you to get the shot or get fired. Probably the schools will tell you your child will not be allowed in school without the shot. There will be other ways to force the vaccine on us. I will not get the shot unless forced to do so.

Many more UFO sightings all around the globe.  Even the Gov. came out with more information.  That is interesting. But I know they are here and have been here for a very long time. 

Some interesting video's of bigfoot too.  

Awhile ago I saw a documentary on this man who cloned his favorite polo horse and now he has a whole clone herd of them.  I was amazed. You can't tell me if they can do that, that they are not cloning humans. 

Those chemtrails ARE  hurting us. 

This is a man made virus. 

We need to wake up and smell the Roses. Many people around the globe are doing just that.

So, yes, I believe in a lot of crazy stuff.  Stuff I would have laughed at years ago.

You don't have to believe, just keep an open mind and don't make fun of someone else's beliefs. 

Happy New Year.

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