Sunday, June 20, 2021

I like to read

 I don't know why I like to read. People think, if your parents read, you will read. That is not true because I know someone (Agnes) who LOVES to read and has read since she was a child, and NOT ONE of her children reads.  

My mother read books, mainly mystery's but also magazines and newspapers.  She liked the Perry Mason Mysteries and Agatha Christie books.

My dad would read certain books, like photography books, fish books, american indian books. He also read magazines and newspapers.  My older sisters read magazines and newspapers. My sister Barbara read books, but I don't remember Peggy read books. Me and Barbara liked the same books and loved to talk about them with each other...I miss her.

 My younger brothers did not read much of anything. My mother got the Hardy Boys books for Charlie which I don't think he read. I am not sure if I read them.

I liked the Dick and Jane books  our first reading books in first grade.   

I was very excited to get my library card! My mother took me to the library and it took me forever to decide what book to take out.  I took out, The Sun, of all things.  So I learned about the sun and I was late taking the book back and I am sure was talked to by my mother. I did not take a book out for a long time after that.

You could also buy books in Woolworths (5&10) store up the street.  A favorite book I got from there was, Eight Cousins.

I just loved that book. It is on ebay for just over $10. I might just get it one day. 
My mother also subscribed me to get 2 Nancy Drew books a month. I could NOT wait for them to arrive! I was  heartbroken when I read them all and my mother had to cancel it.

I also read magazines and newspapers.

Here I am reading, maybe The Star or Enquirer. I am pissed because I got out of the bath and I am in my pajamas and my hair is wet and my father wants to take my picture. I would not look at him. lol
sigh....I miss him.....

I liked Mystery and horror books. Then I found, Stephen King! And Peter Straub!  They were/are my favorites. I read some Sci-fi and ghost books.  True crime was a favorite too.
I like ancient civilizations and read books on those.  But Mr.King will always have a special place in my heart even if I did not care for the endings on some of his books.

I still read but much slower. I could read 2 books in a week. I would try to slow down, not read so fast but it was impossible back then. Now it could take months for me to finish a book. I am ok with that.

Many of the people I follow on YouTube tell stories about mysteries and murder.  A continuation of my reading.  

My grandchildren are not readers as I stated above. It is sad. When I read, I am not just reading the book. I am there in the room! I am watching what is going on.  In rare cases, like in the book, The Clan  of the Cave Bear, I was one of them!  They can take you away to different places. So much fun! 

So, reading has giving me, and continues to give me much joy in my life. :) 

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