Sunday, June 27, 2021

Losing my religion Part 2

So,  I stopped believing in the Catholic Religion.  I do think there was a Jesus. And I do believe in God/Higher Power/Source.  What do I believe? 

I started out believing in this :

With the Big Bang, The Power/God  Sent out sparks of light that were us.

We watched as the great Creator...Created.  We wanted to Create too.   Planet Earth was beautiful.  We lowered ourselves to feel what is was like to feel water, to Be water!  A tree, an animal.  To breathe.  How food tasted etc.  We were still light beings and we would zip in and out for eons. 

But then some got stuck and forgot where they really belonged. That they were a spark of the Creator.
 Light beings came down to help them get unstuck. But some of them got stuck too. 
Many were now trapped on Earth and returning to earth because they thought this is home, when it is not home. 

And that is how it all started. 

It is not exactly what I believe now.  I am not sure what I believe which is why I watch a lot of video's and listen to a lot of people who channel or are psychic. 

We are all here for a reason. When we die we just shed our earth body.  

I believe I have been incarnated many, many times here and other planets. I believe there are other beings all around the universe including here on earth.   I believe we (and EVERYTHING) are vibration and we can raise and lower what we see and feel.

So, I think that's enough for now.

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