Sunday, June 27, 2021

Star Trek

The  post about favorite movies  got me thinking about, this TV show.

Star Trek aired on Sept. 8th, 1966, when I was 15 years old.

I just LOVED it!  I wished I lived in the future where I could travel to distant places on a star ship! 

They had amazing technologies.  They could just scan the body to find out what was wrong with it. They would give medication with some kind of air shot.  They could communicate using these little hand held things AND beam up and down from the ship! 

Except for the last thing, we have all these technologies now. 

I will tell you what impressed me the most when I watched this show. 
People would walk towards a by itself! and close after you went through it!! 

Your thinking...really? Everything they showed and this impressed you? Yep.

Just think what it was like back in the 60s and earlier and later going into and out of a store. Especially a grocery store.  You carry out your grocery bags (brown paper bags, no plastic back then) and with your arms full, try to open and close the door.  
Or you have your shopping cart, you have to open and shut the door  wheeling that thing.  You get lucky sometimes if someone is coming in or out the same time that will hold the door for you. 

It was many years later, when I was walking up a door, that opened for me, that it dawned on me....the future is here!  

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