Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Healing codes

 Over a year ago, maybe two years ago,  I heard about Quantum healing codes.  The theory is, numbers send out vibrations and certain numbers can stop pain. I do believe in that theory so I looked into it. 

There are a whole big list of numbers that can heal specific areas on or in your body. Just look up Healing codes and you can find it. 

You think of the area you have pain and either out loud or just in your mind, repeat the number. 55515 is for general pain. When I was looking up all these codes, that code was easy to remember.

One day when I had a bad IBS attack I remembered that code and said it. I didn't think anything happened but it made me think of something else besides the pain. 

Eventually I remembered to use the code every time  I was in pain even though I felt it was not working.  BUT then, I think the pain was not as long when I said it. I felt it might be helping.

With my cancer, I use it at times with my mouth/ head/neck pain. It does seem to help my headache and pain in my mouth. Is it my imagination? IDK but it seems to help and that's all that matters to me.

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