Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Cancer- first week of July

 So, cancer is progressing. I would say the pain in my mouth and tongue is a 3-4. My neck tumor is getting bigger and I sometimes have to watch how I bend my neck. There are also two other smaller tumors I can feel in my neck.

I also have a headache on that side of my head.  It comes and goes as the day goes on,  but I have it every day.  I have not increased my medication, but it might happen soon.  Although the pain is low grade, I  have it every day. I am just tired of being in pain. 

I am not eating as much. I am still hungry but my tongue is sore and I don't like to move it a lot. Also I can not stand eating some of the same food for months now. I can't even  stand to smell the frozen dinners I used to eat. So, mainly I have oatmeal, eggs, pudding, yogurt, and ice cream. My speech is much worse now as I can only bend my tongue slightly now.  

Also, it is harder to swallow food and drink. I have to becareful not to choke. I choked twice on water. 

One thing I had to get used to was, I  was not going to get better. 

My whole life, up to this point, no matter how I got hurt or sick....I always got better. Not now. 

I am sleeping more which is good because I don't feel any pain. My lips get very dry at night but I keep a washcloth and water near my bed to moisten my lips.

That's where I am after being on Hospice for around 4 months.

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