Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Required for getting a job in the '60s

I quit school at 16, in 1967.  It was not unusual back then for kids to leave school at a young age. 
I had two older sisters, one quit at 16 and got a job working for the telephone company. The other one, Barbara, was the first person to graduate high school in my family(I was the second one, but that's in the future). Barbara got a job working in the local Woolworths. 

You needed your parents permission to quit.  My mother had to take me, by bus to Jamaica to get a workers permit at the Board of Health, which you needed at 16. 

The woman doctor took a chest x-ray, she was old. She told me she was the first female to graduate from her medical school. I believed her.

This is me at 16 years old.

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