Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Getting a Job

I had my working papers I was ready to go! 
There was a Sears two blocks from home. I went to interview there. They were all set to hire me until they saw I was 16. It's seems there was a 16 year old that screwed things up so bad, they made it a policy never to hire another one. 
I was upset, this was so close to home. 

Next I took the bus to Flushing to the store, W.T.Grants. 

I was hired and I was to work at the lunch counter.  My school friend, Patricia (I am still friends with her on FB) worked there.  I was to start the following week. I was not thrilled about working at the lunch counter. But it was a job.

Friends I hung around with told me to go to Bestform Foundations in L.I.C.  Four of them worked there already. 
So I went for an interview with Mr.Bortnik  He hired me.  While doing the paper work he asked who my beneficiary was. I said my mother,  he said do you know what beneficiary means? I said yes. But for the life of me I could not remember what it meant!  He hired me any way.  YAY

Me at 16 years old

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