I went to a Catholic elementary school but I think it was the same for public school, although they had less books.
You had to have a school bag to carry books and anything else you needed on a daily basis. Although your desk had a storage area you could only leave certain things in it and at times, you had to empty it every day. This started in First grade.
At first the wood desk top would open for the storage, later in the mid 60s the new desks had storage under the seat. This is similar to what our first desk looked like.
Besides carrying this, at times I also had to carry a lunchbox. I walked a half a mile to school most of the time.
Most of our books were thick and heavy. Most had to be carried back and forth from school. Our books included:
Geography. Later, these would be combined into Social Studies.
Some of those subjects might require more than one book.
Loose Leaf Binder/loose leaf paper
Note books
Then we had pens/pencils erasers ruler etc.
We would have to empty our schoolbag into our desk and the school bag had to go in the back of the room. We did not change rooms. We were taught by one nun in the same classroom.
I went to a public high school, at that time I used a shoulder schoolbag, like a pocketbook, when I went there because that was the style. We changed rooms rooms with every subject and changed teachers. Maybe I'll do high school another day.