Friday, September 25, 2020

Why old people talk about the past...

 Although I can't speak for all old people, I can speak for myself.  

I talk about the past so the grandkids can understand what it was like to live back then.  But mainly, so it's not forgotten. 

I am sure these stories are boring and they thought..."oh no there she goes again talking about when she was little.."  

When I was a kid, I loved hearing these stories. But I know not every kid likes them. 

My father told me he used to ride his tricycle in their apartment hallway. The wood stairs had metal protectors on the edge of the steps. He fell down the stairs and that is where he got that deep scar by his widows peak. 

My mother and her sister were sleeping with their mother when there was a loud crack from the ceiling above. Their mother pushed them out of the bed just before the ceiling came down that cut their mothers face.  She got to live there rent free till she moved.   It was not unusual for kids to go to the bar when the parent (s) went. My mother and her sister would sit in the corner on top of a table and have a soda and snacks while their mother danced and socialized...etc. Their parents were separated for many years.

So, there is nothing special about the stories I heard, it just tells about their life, how they lived, what they did...

Like how my mother, when she was a teen,  was fired from Woolworths because  a co-worker ordered a soda from the fountain, where she was working, and my mother would not take the 5 cents from him,  a boss saw her and fired her.    I'll probably do a post about each of my parents one day.

It is a way of life that we had, that is gone forever and we try to not let it be forgotten.  Many of my thoughts are.."they will never know what it felt like to..blahblahblah. Or  thank goodness they will never know blahblahblah... 

So, that's why old people talk about the past. And since they have been through so much in their life, they try to pass down advice, so you  don't make the same mistakes. But, making your own mistakes is how you learn.  We try to protect you the best we can..

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