Sunday, June 30, 2024

Empty Nest

 The last grandchild moved out of the nest a few weeks ago on the 17th of June. He just turned 23.  

I don't like change and it takes me a bit to adjust to it. We knew this was coming so it wasn't a shock.

He is sharing an apartment with two friends he has known since he was a kid. One of them has a girlfriend that might be moving in with them. I am glad he is with people he knows. 

It was odd not seeing him. Not seeing his door cracked open.  Hearing his laugh. Not seeing his car in his parking spot. Not hearing him ask, do you need anything from Walmart? Not sitting at the table eating dinner. Not getting a kiss and hug at night...

This is what he wanted for a long time so I am not upset I am just sad.  It's just another chapter in life.