Sunday, August 7, 2022


 It's a subject no one likes to talk about even though it will happen to every one of us. How old were you when you realized your family and you, will die one day?

I was 6 when my cousin Jimmy boy died. I was told he was in heaven and I asked does that mean I won't see him any more? I was told yes.  I thought about him for a long time, I wondered if he missed his mother....

I was raised Catholic so if I made it to heaven I would grow wings and float on a cloud, maybe play a harp and be with Jesus. Frankly, I thought that sounded pretty boring.

My thoughts on the matter now that I am old are a lot different than when I was a kid. And I still don't have all the answers, just my opinion and my belief, right now. It could still change. :) 

I think right after you die, you can still see and visit loved ones, but most won't know you are there. I don't think it is so easy to communicate with the living. I say that because my sister and I had a pact to contact the other but I have received nothing from her. A trip to a psychic a few years after she died, told me, your sister is calling you a BITCH because YOU are not picking up the messages she is sending YOU! Yes, she would call me a bitch. lol

We are all a vibration and death is just a different frequency, maybe a faster vibration.

In general, I do believe we are here for a purpose, we asked to be here. I believe in reincarnation. Whether you HAVE to come back or CHOOSE to come back...I am not sure. Many say the choice is yours.

There is always someone you know who will come to greet you  family, friend, pet or Jesus. Some say the first choice you have to make is to go to the light or not. Some go, some wait. 

That is what I believe and what comes after that is up in the air. 

I know I am (we are) a spark of energy from Source (god) that never blinks out. I am inside this body to experience life on a physical plane and when I die (shrug out of this body) I go back home with my family and friends. 

So try not to worry, don't let fear into your life. I know, I know, it's not easy, especially in these times. But try the best you can. It's only negative energy and it's good to raise your vibration for a healthier life.