I did this post last night and somehow, erased the whole thing. 😠So here it is again.
I have this picture tucked into the picture on my desk of my mother when she was 4/5 at Coney Island.
It makes me smile every time I look at it. My mother hated having her picture taken. It's Christmas day, 1962 is my guess. That's my oldest sister, Peggy, trying to remove mom's hands from her face. I love this picture because it is not posed.
Mom has her usual attire, that she wore her whole life when she was inside or just hanging out front. A house dress. An apron and her slippers. I remember that housedress. It was off white and the design was brown. Peggy's pants were called ski pants and they were the style for a year or two.
She was married, but only lived a few blocks away. This was before she moved to Upstate N.Y.
The white door with the glass door knob was Peggy and Barbara's room When Peggy married I moved in with Barbara. And when Barb married I was the first one to get her own room! The white door has yellow curtains that Mary Crowley made for my mother.
In the glass inclosed bookcase is the World One Encyclopedia. I LOVED it! I would take one out and read. As an adult, knowing what they cost, I am sure it warmed my dad's heart seeing it get so much use. He also bought the year book, every year, to keep it up to date. After the fire in 1976/7 he gave the set to the boy next door. I can't tell what books are on the bottom shelf, but I will keep trying to figure that out.
On top is where our black telephone was, it is behind Peggy and my mother. A little fish tank is there. My dad had numerous hobbies and fish were one of them. We all loved the fish and learned a great deal about them through him.
I can see toys under the tree that must be Tommy's, the youngest sibling. Behind the rocking chair was the tree and I can just see the christmas cards hung along the arch. That area was once the front porch, including the room with the white door. But it was enclosed at some point and the door and windows taken out to make that arch. Eventually all the houses on the block did the same thing.
I can see what looks like a bracelet on my mother's wrist. She must have just got it that day as a gift because my mother did not wear or like jewelry that much.
So...this picture takes me back in time, when we were all young, together and alive.