Monday, July 20, 2020

The Great Northeast Blackout-1965

I was 14 and living in College Point, Queens, New York when the power went out.  It was Tuesday, November 9th. I got home from Flushing High School, had dinner and I had just left the house to hang out with my friends down Grantville, 3 blocks away.  I was around the corner  when the lights went out at 5:27pm. 
I just thought it was a local outage. But continuing on my walk, I saw all the lights were out in the area.
When I got to Grantville, friends were there and of course we all talked about the blackout.  Some of us had our radios and we heard it was more than a local outage. 
It was....exciting!. 
To show that I was even weird back then....I was pissed that we had a full moon, because I wanted to see how really dark an area could be with no lights because I read that Jack the Ripper actually killed  with people only being feet away but they never saw him do it. 

We decided to jump into cars and drove to Flushing to see what was going on there. We only went to Mainstreet and Northern Blvd (By the movie house) Because traffic was horrendous, people were trying to direct traffic  to keep it moving with flashlights.  

The lights were out about 13 hours.  People were stuck all over the place, elevator, trains, buildings.  

Of course some people took advantage and robbed stores since the police were all busy and alarms didn't work.   

They said there was a baby boom nine months later. lol

We had more blackouts and brown outs after that, but nothing again like the Great One.